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Sunday 18 September 2011

Good Question...

Their is a Riddle in the BIBLE, I was wondering if you could figure it out, Here it is, Jesus said that with GOD all things are possible, yet their is another place in the BIBLE that states that their is an UN-forgive-able Sin. The Question is can GOD forgive the Unforgivable Sin?

1 comment:

  1. I take that one one, Sue. Can god create a rock so heavy that even s/he cannot push it up a hill. Can god create us with this super awesome evolved human brain, a brain w/reason and intellect, enuff to doubt him/her: why, fo that stupid test (?). Can you hate a God that doesn't exist...etc etc etc. My answer...I dunno. What is it buddy, sounds like a job for twitter. so awesome buddy,

