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Monday, 27 February 2012

Committee claims rights laws leave out Christians - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

Committee claims rights laws leave out Christians - UK Politics - UK - The Independent

1 comment:

  1. How very sad that your entire religious background is based on experience and not on actually knowing Jesus Christ and the Word of God. From my heart I pity you.

    I used to be a hardcore feminist who believed in the power of the occult. And then when I was at the point of suicide (I used to get "black" depressions), I prayed, "If there is a god out there, either kill me right now or take my life and use it." I immediately sensed a light in my being and knew that my prayer had been heard by someone outside of myself. It wasn't until I read the New Testament--especially the Gospel of John and Book of Romans--that I understood God's plan of mercy and purpose for my life. For me, belief in God is not a religion but a dynamic, growing relationship with the One who loves me and shows me that daily. I know that my redeemer lives.
