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Sunday, 22 September 2013

A week in the life of Religion...

A week in the life of Religion... 

And this is only a small selection... Where's the F***ing "PEACE" in all this Shite???

SUNDAY 15th Sep 2013... Christians forced to flee Syria's latest front-line fight...

MONDAY 16th Sep 2013... Philippines: Helicopters fire rockets on Muslim rebels

TUESDAY 17th September 2013...
Police in Zanzibar say Islamic militants are among those detained for the acid attacks on British teenagers Katie Gee and Kirstie Trup and a Roman Catholic priest.

WEDNESDAY 18th September 2013...
Evangelicals largely believe prayer can cure mental illness, survey finds... (Mental or what)!

THURSDAY 19th September 2013...
Nine drown in India river during Hindu festivals

FRIDAY 20th September 2013...
Russian Muslim clerics warn of unrest over ban of translation of Koran

SATURDAY 21st September 2013...
Nairobi Westgate attack:

SUNDAY 22nd September 2013...
Suicide bombers kill dozens of Christians in Pakistan. NOW will the world wake up to the Islamist war against Christianity?


  1. Evangelical/fundie churches are awful for misunderstanding and bigotry about mental illness, I know that first hand. After having a nervous breakdown as the result of severe depression, I was told by family that it was just "guilt" and "not having a right relationship with god".

    I regret that at some levels, I started to believe it, but it all worked out, realizing the truth was one of the big issues that lead me out of fundamentalism.

  2. Sheldon I empathise with you! if you read "My Story" on here you would see I was exactly like you, They even phoned me while I was in a Psychiatric Hospital, to tell me "It was a sin to be in despair", I couldn't even eat by that time and couldn't cope with anything... They are so hard on people and no sympathy at all... Trying to tell you to live the perfect life, while telling you only 'Christ' was perfect... Contradiction in itself!!! Thank goodness, like me Sheldon, you got out... Best wishes to you my friend... :)
